Payment Policy

Thank you for choosing Fulminant, your premier destination for high-quality sports apparel. We strive to make your shopping experience convenient and secure. Please review our payment policy below:

  1. Accepted Payment Methods:

    • American Express
    • Visa
    • Mastercard
    • Discover
    • Diners Club
    • Apple Pay
    • Google Pay
    • Meta Pay
  2. Currency: All transactions are processed in US Dollars (USD).

  3. Secure Transactions: Fulminant utilizes Shopify Payment to ensure secure transactions for all our customers. Your payment information is encrypted and protected through Shopify’s advanced security protocols.

  4. Payment Authorization: By placing an order on our website, you authorize Fulminant to process a charge on your selected payment method for the total amount of your order, including applicable taxes and shipping fees (if any).

  5. Payment Confirmation: Upon successful completion of your transaction, you will receive an email confirmation containing details of your order and payment.

  6. Payment Decline: In the event of a payment decline, please ensure that the payment information provided is accurate and that there are sufficient funds available in your account. If you encounter any issues during the payment process, please contact your financial institution or our customer support team for assistance.

  7. Order Verification: For security purposes, Fulminant reserves the right to verify the validity of any order and payment details. This may include requesting additional information or documentation to confirm the authenticity of the transaction.

  8. Sales Tax: Sales tax will be applied to orders shipped within the state of Florida, in accordance with state regulations. Sales tax rates may vary based on the delivery location and applicable laws.

  9. Payment Disputes: If you believe there is an error in your payment or transaction, please contact our customer support team immediately to resolve the issue. We are committed to ensuring a fair and transparent resolution process for all payment disputes.

  10. Payment Policy Updates: Fulminant reserves the right to update or modify this payment policy at any time without prior notice. Please review this page periodically for any changes or amendments.

By completing a purchase on Fulminant's website, you acknowledge and agree to abide by the terms outlined in this payment policy.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our payment policy, please don't hesitate to contact us at [Customer Support: / +1 (718) 249-9862].

Thank you for shopping with Fulminant!